Jeff Anscomb


A Collection of More Recent Work

Here's just a bit of the work I've done in the past handful of years. Click below to see specific project details.
Photo:   Sawyer Bengtson

Mobile & AI

Target: Prescription Kiosk

This precription kiosk project was two-faceted. One project goal was to have a kiosk in Target stores near the pharmacy that a shopper could use to look up, or renew a prescription without getting in line. The other goal was to have an employee portal that would allow employees to view their benefits, contributions, and more.

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Target: Employee Benefits AI

Benefits AI, an algorhythm that understands you the employee, parent, investor and more. A really fun project to work on. Imagine you just got a raise at work, and you are currently enrolled in a 401k plan where your employer matches a certain percent. This benefits AI would interact with you with this knowledge on your next login.

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Home Depot: Employee Benefits Platform w/AI

The company's largest undertaking in it's entire history. Taking a company with the employee size of Home Depot, and creating a customized, intergrative, intelligent interface that meets the needs of employer and employee alike was no small feat, and what we accomplished was impressive.

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Mutare: Hospital Alerts & Patient Survey

Mutare created an app for hospital alerts. This was a simple, and quick way for physicians, nurses, and administrators to send immediate cross-department alerts for everything you could think of. From code blues to tornado warnings. With immediate push notification, this replaced the old beeper and paging systems that were far outdated, but surprisingly, still in use in facilities all over the world.

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PinpointCare: Physician & Patient Care App

Caring for many patients has got to be a hard job. This project took me to new levels of empathy - really attempting to put myself in the shoes of a resident physician in a busy hostpital. You start your morning checking updates since the last shift left. Then you start your rounds (called "rounding"). Each patient's chart needs reviewing and approval with notes to be made on each stop. Seems like a lot, and you haven't even gotten to lunch.

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User / Patient Engagement

Fluor: Employee Benefits Platform & Branding

A client; Fluor, wanted to rebrand their employee benefits platform, soup to nuts. This included email and print marketing, a microsite with APIs and the print mailers and digital Enrollment Guide. The following is the campaign materials created included early pitch and "style tile".

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Accretive Health: Patient Engagement Platform

Accretive Health began a new campaign to be more engaged, and in turn, get their users (patients with chronic conditions) more engaged in their health. The idea is simple; keep in front of patients with data and education on their conditions, have a place they can go, and people to speak with about their condition, keep them from getting worse or having emergency room visits, and finally, easy ways to track their progress.

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PinpointCare: Population Health Platform

The Population Health software is a data-driven platform that takes SMS mobile survey response data and looks for inconsistencies or downward trends to evaluate patient conditions. This initial platform was created for the Cleveland Clinic for patients with Asthma. If the trend reached a specifically set low marker, the patient would be placed into a call center queue and a representative at the clinic would call them to check on them.

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Aetna: Apple Watch Initiative

Apple and Aetna teamed up to offer Apple Watches to employees enrolled in Aetna plans. Essentially an incentive program. In corralation with the company's wellness plan, the user / employee could earn money by completing wellness tasks that are trackable with the Apple Watch. By reaching those goals, they are rewarded. The users are given a free watch, but what actually happens is that the wellness incentives are paying for the watch's monthly payment plan.

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