Currently logged in as: Paula Smith  

Engagement Attempt Completed
Unable to Connect - The dialed number resulted in a busy signal. The worklist has been update to reflect the outreach attempt.

Engagement Outreach Completed Successfully
You have completed the patient engagement outreach.

1Qualifying Guarantor

DOB (Age)
Jonathan Smith
04/28/2015   ( 71 )
41 First Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60602
Primary Phone
Secondary Phone

Guarantor Authorization on File Guarantor Authorization on File
Guarantor On File
DOB (Age)
Betty Smith
03/18/1942   ( 69 )
41 First Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60602
Primary Phone
Secondary Phone

Are you speaking with the right party? Completed Completed
May I please speak with Darcy Woodward?

Hello Darcy, my name is Mikah Trent and I am calling on behalf of Dr. Jane Seymour's office in Chicago, Illinois. For identification purposes, can you please verify your date of birth?

Call Back Request Details

Leave a Note About This Call



2Attribution Confirmation

Confirm Current Health Services Completed Completed
Our records indicate that you are currently seeing Dr. Philip Anderson for your primary care services, can you please confirm that Dr. Anderson is your current Primary Care Physician?

Most Recent Visit
Physician Specialty Facility Location Visit Date
Dr. Philip Anderson Internal Medicine Northwestern Medical, Chicago, IL 01 / 12 / 2015

Add a New Physician


3Service Eligiblity

Colonoscopy Completed Completed
Our records indicate that you are eligible for a Colonoscopy.

Have you had a Colonoscopy in the past 10 years?

Recent Service History
There is no record of a Colonoscopy in this patient's recent service history.

When Was Your Last Service?

Great, when was the approximate date of your last Colonoscopy?


Ok, we'll schedule your next visit today. There are just a few more items I need to verify first.

4Contact Verification / Preferences

Patient Information Updated - Pending EMR Syncing
Your updates have been made, however, they are awaiting MPI syncing.

AVerify Patient Demographics Complete
Quickly, prior to scheduling your appointment, can I verify your current contact profile to ensure we have accurate information?

BPatient Contact Preferences Complete
Lastly, how would you like to receive updates from Dr. Jane Seymour in the future. Telephone, Email or by SMS Text Messages?


5Engagement Outcome

Disposition & Notes Completed


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